(February 13/2017) The State Minister of General Education Development, Ms. Ayelech Eshete, who chaired the consultation forum, stated that the activities carried out in the sector in the past six months are promising.
In particular, she noted that various works have been carried out to ensure the equity, accessibility, relevance and quality of education.
In this regard, the Education for Generations Program School Infrastructure Improvement Movement has shown that many works have been carried out and the attention given by the community to education, and this will continue to be strengthened;
The government’s focus on pre-primary education to ensure the quality of education has led to the construction of many pre-primary schools, the provision of 1-to-1 student textbooks for secondary schools, and the introduction of grade 11 vocational and practical education;
He explained that a special summer capacity building training for secondary school teachers was prepared and provided in order to enhance the teaching capacity of teachers.
He also said that the school feeding program is crucial for the quality of education and that it is expected to pay more attention to the good practices that have been started in the past 6 months.
He said that in general, a reinforcement program has been prepared and started in order to make students from grades 9-12, especially grade 12, effective and will continue to be strengthened.
He also stressed that since this consultation forum is being held at the time of the approval of the General Education Proclamation, officials and experts at all levels are expected to be well-informed about the proclamation and implement it down to the schools.