(February 22/2017) The Ministry of Education provided training focused on research and research ethics to public and private higher education institutions.
The Acting Executive Director of the Research and Community Development Department, Serawit Handiso (PhD), who attended the program, said that although many studies and studies have been conducted in the history of higher education in our country, the changes they have brought to society have not been as expected.
He also stated that various steps are being taken in the higher education development sector to address these problems.
He also said that if we want to conduct quality research and increase our perspective on science, we need to work together.
He also stressed that the research conducted in this way should follow appropriate ethics, solve societal problems and be competitive at the international level.
Head of the Private Higher Education Institutions Service Desk in the Higher Education Development Sector, Eyob Ayenew (PhD), for his part, said that the Ministry of Education is designing and implementing various reforms to ensure the quality of education in higher education institutions.
He explained that this training was prepared to ensure that research and studies conducted in both public and private institutions are not only dissertations but also quality problem-solving and to follow a consistent system.
Scholars representing public and private higher education institutions participated in the training.