The training, which will be provided in selected training centers in all regions on February 22, 2017, focuses on psychological and social support, work-based learning, and mother tongue teaching methods.
The Head of the Oromia Regional State Education Bureau, Tola Beriso (Dr.), said during the launch of the psychological and social support training, that the training being provided to teachers and school leaders teaching in problem areas will help teachers overcome challenges and be able to teach and manage their work properly.
Noting that the Ministry of Education is doing a great job for the training, Dr. Tola, who left the training, thanked the ministry for its support in donating motorcycles, publishing and distributing textbooks for secondary schools, building model schools, and other activities to maintain the quality of education.
The Head of the Department of Teacher and School Leader Development at the Ministry of Education, Dr. Muluken Ngatu, explained that the Ministry of Education is providing various short and long-term trainings in collaboration with the Regional Education Offices.
The aim of the training provided by the Ministry of Education to teachers and school leaders on Psycho-Social Support is to support teachers and school leaders to overcome problems arising from natural and man-made causes and teach.
The Head of the Teacher Education Leadership Development and Administration Desk, Ms. Aseged Meresa, said that the Ministry of Education is providing short-term on-the-job training to increase the capacity of teachers and school leaders to ensure the quality of education.
Ms. Aseged announced that more than 6,000 teachers and school leaders nationwide are being provided with short-term on-the-job training to increase their capacity to implement and implement.
He explained that the trainings focused on teaching methods in work and practical education, psychology, mental health and social support, language teaching methods for first language teachers, continuous assessment, lesson planning, and the use of digital technology.