(February 18/2017) A workshop organized to develop a strategic plan and a Senate law for the autonomy of public universities is underway in Addis Ababa.
The State Minister of Education, Honorable Ato Kora Tushune, opened the workshop and stated that expanding the autonomy of universities requires the cooperation of government bodies, academic leaders, teachers, students and the community.
Honorable Ato Kora said that the autonomy of higher education institutions will ensure the autonomy and academic freedom of the institutions and enable them to carry out quality research and innovation in education effectively and efficiently.
Professor Belay Kassa, President of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences, explained that the aim of the workshop was to develop a strategic plan and Senate legislation that are essential for public universities transitioning to autonomy.
Professor Belay also noted that the workshop was funded by the US government to support the efforts to make public higher education institutions autonomous.
US Ambassador to Ethiopia Ervin Masinga, for his part, said that the support is part of the support and cooperation between the Ethiopian and US governments.
The ambassador, who pointed out that there is a lot of academic and research exchange between Ethiopian and US higher education institutions, noted that the current support will help nine higher education institutions in their process of becoming autonomous.
Dr. Solomon Abraha, Executive Director of the Higher Education Administration and Infrastructure, explained that nine public higher education institutions are currently undertaking preparatory work to become autonomous.
The workshop was attended by presidents, vice presidents, and relevant officials from Mekelle, Gondar, Bahir Dar, Addis Ababa University of Science and Technology, Adama University of Science and Technology, Hawassa University, Jimma University, Haramaya University, and Arba Minch University.